Evaluating Character Understanding of Large Language Models via Character Profiling from Fictional Works

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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance and spurred numerous AI applications, in which role-playing agents (RPAs) are particularly popular, especially for fictional characters. The prerequisite for these RPAs lies in the capability of LLMs to understand characters from fictional works. Previous efforts have evaluated this capability via basic classification tasks or characteristic imitation, failing to capture the nuanced character understanding with LLMs. In this paper, we propose evaluating LLMs’ character understanding capability via the character profiling task, i.e., summarizing character profiles from corresponding materials, a widely adopted yet understudied practice for RPA development. Specifically, we construct the CroSS dataset from literature experts and assess the generated profiles by comparing ground truth references and their applicability in downstream tasks. Our experiments, which cover various summarization methods and LLMs, have yielded promising results. These results strongly validate the character understanding capability of LLMs. We believe our constructed resource will promote further research in this field. Resources are available at https://github.com/Joanna0123/character_profiling.

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Xintao Wang
Xintao Wang
Ph.D Candidate

My research interests focus on large language models and autonomous agents, especially their personas and personalization.